应用质谱仪进行大通量蛋白组学(large scale proteomics)的研究已经成为一种非常强大的工具来发现新的信号通路或者在已有的信号通路中发现新的蛋白功能。应用蛋白组学的技术可以进行蛋白信号转导,蛋白翻译后修饰,蛋白互作等方面的研究。

MS (mass spectrometry)-based quantitative proteomics
1. 利用定量蛋白组学 (特别是磷酸化蛋白组学和蛋白互作) 以及系统生物学结合分子生物学和生理学的方法研究植物膜蛋白,特别是受体激酶和转运蛋白在蔗糖,氮和磷信号通路中的功能。

2. 优化完善蛋白组学研究技术,特别是翻译后修饰(磷酸化,糖基化等)以及蛋白互作等的相关的技术,其中包括样品的制备,肽段的富集,质谱测序以及后期的生物信息学分析和结果的阐述。

MS-based phosphoproteomics for membrane protein

AP (Affinity-Purification) or AE (Affinity Enrichment)-MS
1. Wu XN, Chu LC, Xi L, Obermeyer H, Li Z, Sklodowski K, Sanchez-Rodriguez C, Obermeyer G and Schulze WX (2019) Sucrose-Induced Receptor Kinase 1 is modulated by an interacting kinase with short extracellular domain. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
2. Ahmad FH, Wu XN, Stintzi A, Schaller A and Schulze WX (2019) The systemin signaling cascade as derived from time course analyses of the systemin-responsive phosphoproteome. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
3. Xi Lin, Wu XN, Gilbert M and Schulze WX (2019) Classification and Interactions of LRR Receptors and Co-receptors Within the Arabidopsis Plasma Membrane – An Overview. Frontiers in Plant Science.
4. Grison M, Kirk P, Brault M, Wu XN, Schulze WX, Benitez-Alfonso Y, Immel F, Bayer E (2019) Membrane associated Receptor Like Kinases relocalise to plasmodesmata in response to osmotic stress. Plant Physiology.
5. Zhang X, Högy P, Wu XN, Schmid I, Wang X, Schulze WX, Jiang D, Fangmeier A (2018) Physiological and Proteomic Evidence for the Interactive Effects of Post-Anthesis Heat Stress and Elevated CO2 on Wheat. Proteomics.
6. Wu GZ, Chalvin C, Hoelscher MP, Meyer EH, Wu XN, Bock R (2018) Control of Retrograde Signaling by Rapid Turnover of GENOMES UNCOUPLED1. Plant Physiology.
7. Wu XN, Xi L, Obermeyer H, Li Z, Chu LC and Schulze WX (2017) Highly efficient single-step enrichment of low abundance phosphopeptides from plant membrane preparations. Frontiers in Plant Science.
8. Pertl-Obermeyer H, Wu XN, Schrodt J, Obermeyer G, and Schulze WX (2016) Identification of Cargo for Adaptor Protein (AP) Complexes 3 and 4 by Sucrose Gradient Profiling. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
9. Wu XN, Schulze WX (2015) Kinase activity assay using synthetic peptides. Methods in Molecular Biology.
10. Wu XN, Schulze WX (2015) Phosphopeptide profiling of receptor kinase mutants. Methods in Molecular Biology.
11. Dautel R, Wu XN, Heunemann M, Schulze WX, and Harter K (2015) The Sensor Histidine Kinases AHK2 and AHK3 Proceed into Multiple S...