

009年本科毕业于吉林大学动物医学学院;2009年9月至2014年7月在中科院上海生命科学研究院巴斯德研究所李斌教授实取得微生物学博士学位;2016年加入 Cynthia Ju教授实验室(University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)进行博士后研究;2019年加入304.cam永利集团。

药物性肝损伤很常见,几乎所有类别的药物都可引起肝脏损伤。然而,大多数药物诱导肝脏损伤的致病机理都尚未阐明。本课题组以对乙酰氨基酚诱导的肝损伤为临床疾病模型, 发现了几丁质酶-3-1Chi311)参与肝内凝血,导致肝损伤的机理,为进一步探索Chi3l1作为药物靶点治疗急性肝损伤提供了有力的证据。今后,课题组将以药物诱导肝损伤小鼠为模型,研究不同分子,细胞及微生物群在急性或慢性肝脏疾病中的分子作用机理。



1. 各种肝脏细胞在药物诱导性肝损伤中的作用;;

2. 特异细胞募集在急性肝损伤,及其修复中的分子机制;

3. 揭示细胞死亡在急性肝损伤中的作用;

4. 微生物群落在急性和慢性肝损伤中的作用;





1. Shan Z, Ju C. (2020). Hepatic Macrophages in Liver Injury. Frontiers in Immunology.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2020.00322


2. Shan Z, Ju C. (2019). Hepatic macrophages in drug-induced liver injury. Liver Research. 3170-175.


3. Shan Z, Liu X, Chen Y, Wang M, Gao YR, Xu L, Dar WA, Lee CG, Elias JA, Castillo PD, Paola JD, Ju C. (2018). Chitinase 3-like-1 promotes intrahepatic activation of coagulation through induction of tissue factor in mice. Hepatology 67: 2384-96.


4. Shan Z, Alvarez-Sola G, Uriarte I, Arechederra M, Fernandez-Barrena MG, Berasain C, Ju C, Avila MA. (2018). Fibroblast growth factors 19 and 21 in acute liver damage. Annals of Translational Medicine 6(12):257. doi: 10.21037/atm.2018.05.


5. Shan J*, Zhao B*, Shan Z*, Nie J, Deng R, Xiong R, Tsun A, Pan W, Zhao H, Chen L, Jin Y, Qian Z, Lui K, Liang R, Li D, Sun B, Lavillette D, Xu K, Li B. (2017). Histone demethylase LSD1 restricts influenza A virus infection by erasing IFITM3-K88 monomethylation. PLoS Pathog 13: e1006773 (*co-first author).


6.  Shan Z, Han Q, Nie J, Cao X, Chen Z, Yin S, Gao Y, Lin F, Zhou X, Xu K, Fan H, Qian Z, Sun B, Zhong J, Li B, Tsun A. (2013). Negative regulation of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 by SET7-mediated lysine monomethylation. J Biol Chem 288: 35093-103.


7. Xie M, Xuan B, Shan J, Pan D, Sun Y, Shan Z, Zhang J, Yu D, Li B, Qian Z. (2015). Human cytomegalovirus exploits interferon-induced transmembrane proteins to facilitate morphogenesis of the virion assembly compartment. J Virol 89: 3049-61


8. Chen Z*, Barbi J*, Bu S, Yang HY, Li Z, Gao Y, Jinasena D, Fu J, Lin F, Chen C, Zhang J, Yu N, Li X, Shan Z, Nie J, Gao Z, Tian H, Li Y, Yao Z, Zheng Y, Park BV, Pan Z, Zhang J, Dang E, Li Z, Wang H, Luo W, Li L, Semenza GL, Zheng SG, Loser K, Tsun A, Greene MI, Pardoll DM, Pan F, Li B. (2013). The ubiquitin ligase Stub1 negatively modulates regulatory T cell suppressive activity by promoting degradation of the transcription factor Foxp3...